For all of my life, music is the one thing that I have always been sure of.
At the age of six I began studying the guitar, and it wasn’t long before it was what most of my time went into. Every technique I saw, and every song I liked, I felt compelled to learn. By the time I was a teenager I was attending intensive performance courses, and had expanded my study to include other instruments, composition, and sound recording. Anything I found that had to do with music was immediately added to my list of things to study (read: things to obsess and lose sleep over).
More than twenty years after I began, that compulsion to learn and explore is as strong as it ever was. From simple songs to full soundtracks, I cannot get enough. Whether it’s helping promote a company, or giving comfort to someone in a difficult time, I’ve been able to share my love of music with the world. Now the only question is:
What can I do to share it with you?